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- Secur-all change log
- -------------------
- 30 May 1996 v1.0
- - released for internal testing
- 3 Jun 1996 v2.0
- - release number skipped
- 3 Jun 1996 v2.1 - SecuriT32 changes
- - documentation changes
- - included online registration
- 3 Jun 1996 v2.2
- - release number skipped
- 3 Jun 1996 v2.3 - Securit32 changes
- - selecting files now works properly
- - shredding files, stopping the shred, then shredding again
- now works properly
- - License Agreement added
- - fax number corrected
- - help file tidied up
- - readme file tidied up
- 3 Jun 1996 v2.4 - SecuriT16 changes
- - clearer warning messages when changing username or password
- - Installation now refers to SecuriT, not SecuriT32, when
- displaying the readme file.
- 3 Jun 1996 v2.4 - SecuriT32 changes
- - clearer warning messages when changing username or password
- - list index out of bounds error corrected
- 4 Jun 1996 v2.5 - SecuriT16 changes
- - registry problems fixed
- - large font problems fixed
- - limit of 100 files that can be locked (in program and
- documentation)
- - fax number corrected
- - fax number in order.txt
- - no limit on # files encrypted or shredded
- - can now install after installing 32-bit version
- 4 Jun 1996 v2.5 - SecuriT32 changes
- - large font problems fixed
- - fax number corrected
- - fax number in order.txt
- - can now install after installing 16-bit version
- 4 Jun 1996 v2.6 - SecuriT16/32 changes
- - Fixed 'List index out of bounds' error if you click on a file
- or double-click on a folder while locking/encrypting/shredding
- - can now specify multiple copies when using the Order
- Form from the Help Menu
- - added count of number of files to StatusBar (total file size
- takes too long to calculate in the 16-bit version)
- - tidied up Statusbar
- - screen updating is now smoother when locking/encrypting/shredding
- 6 Jun 1996 v2.7 - SecuriT16 changes
- - network support removed
- - improved handling of removable drives
- - can handle big files when encrypting/shredding
- - correct drive shown in top left window
- 6 Jun 1996 v2.7 - SecuriT32 changes
- - access violation when refreshing drives fixed
- - disabled buttons problem fixed
- - loss of Win95 icons problem fixed
- 13 Jun 1996 v3.0 - SecuriT16/32 changes
- - a MUCH improved version of SecuriT, hence the jump to version 3
- - professional encryption is now 64-bit: enhanced DES. VERY difficult
- to crack.
- - standard encryption improved.
- 19 Jun 1996 v3.1
- - release number skipped
- 19 Jun 1996 v3.2 - SecuriT16/32 changes
- - Internet Software Solutions partners can 'burn' their own URL into
- the registration page
- 29 Jun 1996 v3.4 - SecuriT32 changes
- - problem of files with 'grey padlock' icon fixed
- - debug option added
- 4 Jul 1996 v3.5 - SecuriT32 changes
- - 'Invalid Image Size' error fixed
- - removable drives (Iomega Zip, Syquest etc) handled correctly
- 9 Jul 1996 v3.6 - SecuriT16/32 changes
- - added 'Fast Check' option for encrypted files
- 14 Aug 1996 v3.7 - Secur-iT16/32 changes
- - changed name to Secur-iT
- - simplified registration process
- - added option to encrypt order form for email
- - password now required to uninstall Secur-iT
- 1 Sep 1996 v3.71 - Secur-iT16/32 changes
- - added option to turn off auto-refresh of folder listings, in
- Preferences - View
- 11 Sep 1996 v3.72 - Secur-iT16 changes
- - added lock option to 'Check Floppy Disks', and to give Windows 3.1
- time to refresh the directory listings when a floppy drive has been
- changed
- - file locking process improved
- 11 Sep 1996 v3.72 - Secur-iT32 changes
- - file locking process improved
- - cosmetic changes to user interface
- 31 Oct 1996 v3.73 - Secur-iT16/32 changes
- - welcome screen changed to make it clearer that the user should make
- up a password
- - on startup the first file is selected, otherwise lock/encrypt/shred
- buttons are greyed out
- - encrypted order form:
- - now saved as a .exe
- - has separate fields for title/initials/surname
- - now checks available disk space before encrypting/decrypting: need at
- least as much free as size of file
- - added option to password-protect options
- - files in root folder: now only get warning if they are system/program
- files
- - Norton CrashGuard / FirstAid95 GPF fixed
- - removed irritating periodic check (every 5 secs) of floppy disks
- - install routine improved
- - cosmetic changes to user interface
- 3 Feb 1997 v3.74 - Secur-iT16/32 changes
- - flicker in treeview (left-hand window pane) in 32-bit version fixed
- - use .dll instead of dde for locking. Faster, and fixes remaining
- Norton CrashGuard / FirstAid95 GPF
- - all sites 'downloaded from:' now recorded
- - trial period now 30 days/60 uses
- - uninstall is now more thorough
- - files with no extension, long extensions, and multiple
- extensions, now encrypted properly
- - removed default entries in order form
- 18 Mar 1997 v3.75 - Secur-iT16/32 changes
- - if win3.1, install will add share.exe to config.sys (16-bit only)
- - Welcome screen: highlight 'Make up your own password' in bold red
- - startup at last path visited now works properly
- - don't set hidden as default for locked/encrypted files
- - removed View - Options menuitem (wasn't password-protected)
- 7 Apr 1997 - v3.76 - Secur-iT16/32 changes
- - date error fixed
- - lock bug fixed (16-bit)
- - password always converted to lower case
- 16 May 1997 - v3.77 - Secur-iT16 changes
- - lock bug fixed
- 1 Oct 1997 - v3.77 secur-iT32 changes
- - added Win 95 cache flush when shredding
- 3 Oct 1997 v3.78 - Secur-all 16/32 changes
- - changed name to Secur-all
- - added credit card validation
- 4 Aug 1998 - v3.80 - Secur-all 32 changes
- - now compatible with Windows 98